If you are looking for this guy, then you found Jeff Mandel even if you performed a google search for Jeff Mandell. Yes, it is too bad that Jeff Mandel dedicated an entire website to his name being searched as Jeff Mandell or Jeffrey Mandell, but at least you found the lawyer in New Jersey who spells Jeff Mandel with one "l."

jeff mandell

jeff mandell's


Why Choose jeff mandel when you searched for jeff mandell?

If you searched for a New Jersey trial lawyer who is certified by typing in "Jeffrey Mandell, New Jersey trial lawyer," and you wanted the person who is certified, then you found the person! That is why you should choose Jeff Mandel when you searched for Jeff Mandell.

Because Jeff Mandell did not write the book on New Jersey appeals- Jeff Mandel did. Jeff Mandel is an appeal attorney.

Jeff Mandel- not Mandell- is the managing member of the Law Offices of Jeffrey S. Mandel LLC. The law firm is based in New Jersey and services clients throughout the State.


jeff mandel
jeff mandell

Search "Jeff Mandell" when looking for the lawyer who received the Lawyer of the Year award from the YLD of the New Jersey State Bar? Then you found the correct Jeff Mandel!

image result for best appeal lawyer nj

jeff mandell's


new jersey TRIAL
AND Appeal lawyer

jeff mandell

looks like this

image result jeffrey mandell

Jeffrey Mandel (or spelled by some, Jeffrey Mandell) cannot tell you that he is the best New Jersey appeal lawyer or even a top New Jersey appeal lawyer, but he is a New Jersey appeal attorney who is experienced in New Jersey appeals. If that is what you seek, call upon attorney/lawyer Jeffrey Mandell (or Jeffrey Mandel) to handle your New Jersey appeal.



Search "Jeff Mandell" when looking for the lawyer who is featured in the article about a lawyer who pushes himself to the limit? Then you found the correct Jeff Mandel! Yo read about it, click here.

Though not a solicitation being sent to you, this web site may be considered an ADVERTISEMENT. Before making your choice of attorney, you should give this matter careful thought. The selection of an attorney is an important decision. If you believe this web site is inaccurate or misleading, you may report same to the Committee on Attorney Advertising, Hughes Justice Complex, CN 970, Trenton, NJ 08625-0970​​.

Search "Jeff Mandell" when looking for the lawyer who served as chairperson of the State Bar Appellate Practice Committee? Then you found the correct Jeff Mandel!

If you searched for a New Jersey appeal lawyer by typing in "Jeffrey Mandell, New Jersey appeal lawyer," and you wanted the person who wrote the book on appeals, then you found the person! So, if you searched for Jeff Mandell while looking for Jeff Mandel, then you found him. In addition to being a well-known trial lawyer who handles personal injury cases, construction defect, consumer fraud, and complex commercial litigation, Jeff Mandel is a go-to appeal lawyer in New Jersey. 

Jeff Mandel is Certified by the Supreme Court of New Jersey as a Civil Trial Attorney

Jeff Mandel- not Mandell- is on a mission to get people to stop misspelling his name. If you seek a New Jersey appeal lawyer named Jeffrey S. Mandel, Esq., and you came across this website, then you misspelled it Jeffrey S. Mandell. It happens- often. IT happens so often that I had to create this website to avoid the confusion.